Saturday, December 12, 2009

Climate Change & Your Dinner

World leaders have been meeting this week at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.  Discussions include various methods of curbing greenhouse emissions including the use of green technology; solar and wind energy.  What do you think our leaders will be eating in Copenhagen?  Does it matter?  Evidence suggests that a leading cause of climate change may actually be your diet!

Let me direct your attention to this recent article.  The authors state:
"A policy of reducing consumption of red meat in wealthy countries and encouraging a limited consumption increase in poor countries would benefit the climate as well as human health."

At first glance, this may be seem to be liberal jargon or crazy ideas propagated by vegetarians bent on pushing their agenda.  But these authors are hardly alone in their assessment.  A study published in the May 2009 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition echoes this sentiment.  The study presents evidence of agriculture as a primary source of greenhouse gases.  They suggest "changes in the diet toward more plant-based foods" as well as reduction in beef and pork consumption in order to reduce our influence on climate change.

Is it really possible that our meat consumption has a significant effect on the climate?  Unfortunately, yes.  I'll provide some more data in the coming weeks.

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