Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pregnancy- Essential Fats

Many people have heard of omega 3 fatty acids.  We see these advertised on infant formula, supermarket eggs and more.  Food manufacturers have begun fortifying many foods with this essential fat as it plays crucial roles in heart health, brain health, and in reducing inflammation.  You can easily find a bottle of fish oil (or an actual fish) in any supermarket.  Omega 3's are among the best researched nutritional supplement available and in our generally fish-deprived culture, a good supplement for most of us to take.

Omega 3s are especially important for the pregnant woman.  Supplementing with omega 3 fatty acids is a great idea, but women of child-bearing years should pay attention long before they get pregnant.  Experts believe that women consuming a traditional Western diet do not consume sufficient amounts of omega 3s to nourish the developing child. 

In late pregnancy, many women consuming contemporary Western diets may not be able to meet the fetal demand for n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) from the diet aloneAnnu Rev Nutr 2010 Aug 21; 30: 237-55

In fact, much of the omega 3 available to the growing baby comes from Mom's fat tissue.  As Mom consumes omega 3 fatty acids, some are immediately utilized and other are stored in her fat tissue.   This becomes available to the growing baby throughout pregnancy and especially in the latter months.  The baby then utilizes some and stores some in his fat.  He will use these fats during the first few months of life. 

Omega 3 supplements should be a part of every woman's prenatal care.  Just as you would take a good prenatal vitamin with sufficient folate, omega 3s should also be included.


SPWS said...

My wife is two months pregnant. I will suggest to her to eat foods with Omega 3s. I will also ask her to meet a clinical nutritionist to know more about healthy foods for pregnant women.

Peter Jo, DC, DACNB, CNS, CSCS said...

Congratulations to you and your wife Michael! I'm sure that working with a nutritionist will give your child a head start in life. Good luck.

Unknown said...

It's important for pregnant women to take care of their health. They should avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks. What they should eat are foods with healthy fats and take Vitamins.